Sunday, December 21, 2014

Passing on our legacy... in a stocking.

The magic of book/bookish gift giving at Christmas! Being a book lover and giver yields wondrous bookish things. It's those books and bookish gifts that makes my holiday the most special, especially the giving part. I do my very best to give books to family and friends, even if they are not readers, and all these neat things? Many will fit right into a stocking.

How fabulous is that? 
And no. I don't know that person but she makes some pretty cool things.

My mom gave me a butterfly made out of book pages (try not to groan, I know this makes people crazy.) It is  beautiful and has a prime spot on my tree. Here is a close up:

Thank you, Mom.

My daughter had her Scholastic Book Fair a couple of weeks ago and these books are what she picked out:

For a long time I had filled out the order sheet  for her, as she has Cerebral Palsy. . I  found out a few years back that she wanted to pick out her own books. I felt such elation, this was a child who wasn't supposed to talk, see, or hear. She does all three (a bit too much most of the time, but who is complaining?) 

I am not digressing, I needed to share that. (smile.)

Scholastic Books are a cheaper way to stock up on holiday book gifts for the kids you know. And the selection is always spot on for any age/kid's taste.

We like to have our book piles on floors or standing up against things here in our home, visual accessibility is a high priority. We can each grab a book at any time, look at them and think of the person that gave us that book and sit back with a nice hot cup of tea and read.
And how many of those books were gifts? Lots!  I can list off ten people who had given me some of those books. 

There are also socks. Yes, Socks. My friend, Anne, found a place that sells socks for the book lover. Check them out!
(Great stocking stuffers!)

So, we covered book decorations, children's books, piles of gift books that were given to me, and socks. Socks!

A good start to your list making.

The holiday (all of them represented) is a perfect time to buy book items for the stocking, no matter how small or large it may be. As in each person's life, a book should be presented to them by you so they have a chance to say, "I may like this. I may not." Each time you give a book or bookish gift, they may not cave or maybe they will come back to you and say, "Hey, that Nelson DeMille you gave me? I read four of his other books since then, thank you, and those socks? Perfect!"

And you will weep.
Trust me. You. Will.

I have one more blog to write and then it's a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa. I wish you all the best for your holidays, with good family, good friends, good food, good conversations and most of all, good books! May you be blessed always. ~Cheryl

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