Thursday, October 8, 2015

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson

I cannot write a review for this book. I can tell you what the book is about but it's one of those rare gems you must read for yourself. It's about mental illness told humorously, sometimes with sadness, by Jenny Lawson, "The Bloggess" as most of us know her. It's a book about being happy even when you are broken. Chronically broken. And no one can explain this journey better than the author.

My suggestion? To know all things Jenny Lawson.  Go to her blog:
Pick through the blogs, get to know her, the type of language as well as her inside stories a bit. You do not have to inundate yourself with reading a ton of the blogs, pick through, it's an easy task. But don't let "easy task" fool you. Jenny Lawson is a very complicated person. That's why she is so loved.

And then run out and get yourself  "Lets Pretend This Never Happened."  Lawson's first book, a memoir. You will laugh your way through her life story. Even if you skip over the blog, I recommend this book to be read first. And not in public. Don't say you weren't warned. 

Sometimes it takes a bit of a hike backward to read a new book, readers know that but Furiously Happy stands alone nicely. It's your choice as a reader in how much time you want to invest.

You will never be as funny as Jenny Lawson,  nor as creative and certainly not as enchanting. She opened  up her life to readers and they have found a real gem. I hope you do as well.

Buy both books.
Hide both books and do not lend them out. 
You will never see them again.

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